HandCrafted Ultra-Premium Organic Spices

About Us

21Spices is the world’s first ultra-premium 100% organic spice blend. Sourced from 21 different spices from around the world, 21Spices is the most exotic and premium culinary spice blend in the market today. Every individual order is uniquely prepared by hand, precisely measured and personally signed by Chef Jean Philippe. We ship our spice in our Eco-Friendly recycled glass and shipping boxes.

We produce only a certain number of hand-made 21Spices on any given day; thereby we have to limit individual orders to no more than 5 bottles per day. Due to the complexity of preparing each individual order and sourcing these unique spice ingredients we may send out a notification that you've been placed on our waiting list. Please order early to guarantee your signature spice. 

History of project

It took over a year and dozens of variations to develop the most aromatic and healthiest cooking spice blend in the world by Chef Philippe.

21Spices have powerful antioxidants made up of natural & healthy organic compositions.

I source my spices from quality spice merchants possessing the most impeccable purity standards available today.

My spices originate from Asia, South America, Africa, and The Middle East and other corners of the world.

This precise blend of my 100% certified and salt-free organic blend explodes with flavor.

This well balanced spice blend creates mouthwatering flavors and the unique aroma is sure to have your guests pleading for your secret recipe.


Our users

21Spices caters to health conscious consumers, culinary professionals, restaurants, specialty gift stores and gourmet retail establishments from around the world.

21Spices fills a critical and unique market in meeting the ever-increasing demand from consumers seeking to eat food derived from healthy pharma-organic plants. 

At 21Spices, every individual order is artisanaly prepared by hand, each ingredient precisely measured and personally signed by Chef Jean Philippe.

Your trust in our company is by far the most important ingredient we sell. 


21Spices, Distributed by BarChef LLC


Business Address:
96 Linwood Plaza
Route 9W: PMB#225
Fort Lee, New Jersey
07650 USA

Production Facility:
150 Florence & 4th Avenue Hawthorne, NJ 07506 USA

Your Order Is Personally Prepared By The Chef Upon Ordering.

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